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How to use Mono's XBUILD on VSTS?

How can I use Mono 's XBUILD on VSTS ?

I checked the hosted agent capabilities and didn't see it in there.

You may find your agent capabilities at https://???.visualstudio.com/_admin/_AgentPool?poolId=2&_a=agents and click to Capabilities

(make sure you change the ??? part with yours)

Mono is not available in VSTS Hosted agent. You can vote this user voice.

The workaround is that, you can setup a new build agent on your machine.

  1. Go to Agent pools control panel tab (In admin page of team project/team
  2. Click Download agent
  3. Click Windows
  4. Click Download button
  5. Run Command prompt and go to that agent location
  6. Run .\\config.cmd

You can add mono to the environment variable in order to run mono command directly.

  1. Open Environment Variable window (System Properties=>Advanced=>Environment Variables)
  2. Click New to add System variable (mono:[mono installation path, eg C:\\Program\\Mono]
  3. Select Path in System Variables list=>Edit
  4. Add ;%mono%\\bin After that, you can add Command Line step/task to your build definition to call mono command. For example: Tool: mono, Argument: --version

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