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Root Directory php in GoDaddy not found

Hello fellow programmers, I have been fixed on this one issue for 2 days and I've still not resolved it. The problem is that I am trying to retreive a file from GoDaddy Server through php code, but am unable to do so.

This is my code:


What I have tried till now:

  1. Used "websitedomain.com/httpdocs/Admin_Panel/Images/".$TargetImgName;
  2. Used "websitedomain.com/Admin_Panel/Images/".$TargetImgName;
  3. Used "".$TargetImgName;
  4. Used $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/Admin_Panel/Images/".$TargetImgName
  5. Checked file_exists(path to file); returns false file_exists(path to file); returns false
  6. Used realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/Admin_Panel/Images/".$TargetImgName) returns the same as my current code ie G:/.... 1)I have talked to 3 GoDaddy chat clients, all to no avail.

I have done more research and have found that to use the root directory of my domain, I will have to use {DOCROOT} . But I don't know where to use it.

I thank you for your help.

This should work:

$TargetImgPath = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Admin_Panel/Images/".$TargetImgName);

realpath() is the key in here.

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