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Access JSON key value dynamically using jquery

Below is my json which is dynamic. I want to access 'bf' key in the json , 'xxxxxx20160929' and 'yyy813AI20160929' keys are dynamic but json structure will be the same

  "resultData": [
      "a": "124",
      "b": "0",
      "c": "0",
      "flc_schedu": {
          "e": "6",
          "f": "en",
          "xxxxxx20160929": [
            {"ID": "yyyyyyyy" },
            {"ID": "fffff"}
      "fareDetails": {
        "xxxxxx20160929": {
          "yyy813AI20160929": {
            "O": {
              "AD": {
                "bf": "2527"

Below is how I tried


If I try as above I can able to access dynamically up to "xxxxxx20160929" key, but I can't able get how to reach up to "bf" key dynamicaly.

You can reference an object using the array syntax.

var one = 'xxxxxx20160929';
var two = 'yyy813AI20160929';


This code assumes there is only one dynamic object at each layer.

var one = Object.keys(data.resultData[0].fareDetails)[0];
var two = Object.keys(data.resultData[0].fareDetails[one])[0];
var thing = data.resultData[0].fareDetails[one][two].O.AD.bf;
function getBFFromFareDetails(details){
 var bfValues = [];
  for(var k in details.fareDetails){
   // loop over the children of fareDetails
   if( details.fareDetails.hasOwnProperty( k ) ) {
      //each entry in ;fareDetails'
      var itemRoot = details.fareDetails[k]
      for(var k1 in itemRoot){
         // loop over the children of the first unknown item
          if( itemRoot.hasOwnProperty( k1 ) ) {
              //return the bf from the first unknown child
             return itemRoot[k1].O.AD.bf;

If you call this with var bf = getBFFromFareDetails(response.resultData[0]) this will return the value for the first bf in the first child of fareDetails and its first child.

You can see a quick example in action here https://jsfiddle.net/tocsoft/5364x2sp/

If you are able to access up to "xxxxxx20160929" level then create a var to store that level, then use that variable to access the next which you will need to store in a variable, then use both variable to access the key needed.

var1 = response.resultData[0].fareDetails)[0];
var2 = response.resultData[0].fareDetails)[0][var1];


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