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how to use where condition in object oriented php inside function

i am my function is unable to use where condition in my function when i want to update appropriate user_id like this: where user_id= ?

look at my function :

public function createProfile($profile_picture, $username,$businessname,    $town) {
    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE profile_information set profile_picture = ?, username= ?, businessname= ?, town= ? where user_id= ?");

    $stmt->bind_param("ssss",$profile_picture, $username,$businessname, $town);


his the way i am calling createProfile function to let update


include './DbHandler.php';
$db = new DbHandler();

$response = array();

  if (  (   isset($_POST['profile_picture']) && isset($_POST['username']) &&     isset($_POST['businessname']) && isset($_POST['town'])  )!= '') {

 $profile_picture = $_POST['profile_picture'];
 $username = $_POST['username'];
 $businessname = $_POST['businessname'];
    $town = $_POST['town'];

   $res = $db->createProfile($profile_picture, $username,$businessname);



As you have five placeholders ( ? ) = you should pass 5 parameters to bind_param . Easy way to do this is pass $user_id as an argument:

public function createProfile($profile_picture, $username,$businessname, $town, $user_id) {  // user_id is a five parameter here
    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE profile_information set profile_picture = ?, username= ?, businessname= ?, town= ? where user_id= ?");
    // I suppose user_id has is `integer` type
    $stmt->bind_param("ssssi",$profile_picture, $username, $businessname, $town, $user_id);


As we don't know what is there in your class - maybe user id is somewhere in class properties (named user_id in my example), then you can use it like this:

public function createProfile($profile_picture, $username,$businessname, $town) {  // NO user_id passed
    $stmt = $this->conn->prepare("UPDATE profile_information set profile_picture = ?, username= ?, businessname= ?, town= ? where user_id= ?");
    // I suppose user_id has is `integer` type
    $stmt->bind_param("ssssi",$profile_picture, $username, $businessname, $town, $this->user_id);


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