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Google spreadsheets api - export all sheets as csv

I use google drive api to export files from drive.google.com:

compile 'com.google.apis:google-api-services-drive:v2-rev201-1.21.0'

The way it's used:

Map<String, String> exportLinks = gFile.getExportLinks();
String exportLink =

I'd like to download spreadsheets as csv instead of ods, but if I use

String exportLink = exportLinks.get("text/csv");

It downloads only the first sheet. I could specify sheet if I knew its' gids. How can I get links for all the pages?

So I decided to use Google Sheets and that's what helped:

compile (group: 'com.google.apis', name: 'google-api-services-sheets', version: 'v4-rev25-1.22.0')
compile (group: 'com.google.gdata', name: 'core', version: '1.47.1')

GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(
                    httpTransport, jsonFactory, clientSecrets,
                    Arrays.asList(DriveScopes.DRIVE, SheetsScopes.SPREADSHEETS_READONLY))
Credential credential = flow.loadCredential(userId);
Sheets sheets = new Sheets.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
List<Sheets> sheetsList = sheets.spreadsheets().get("mySpreadsheetId").execute().getSheets();
for (Sheet sh : sheetList) {

And the properties contain sheets gids.

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