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Azure App Service Deployment failure from Visual Studio Team Services for ASP.net Core Application

I have an ASP.net Core Web API application, hosted in an Azure App Service, setup for continuous deployment via Visual Studio Team Services (was Visual Studio Online).

This application has been deploying fine up until today, my most recent commit has lead to an error at the 'Generating deployment script' stage.

I haven't changed anything related to the project structure since my last successful commit (eg no changes to project.json, no projects added/removed from the solution). Just made some regular changes to the code, added an EF migration, etc.

The activity log for the failed deployment just has the following:

Using the following command to generate deployment script: 'azure site deploymentscript -y --no-dot-deployment -r "D:\\home\\site\\repository" -o "D:\\home\\site\\deployments\\tools" --aspNetCore "D:\\home\\site\\repository\\src\\Authenticator" --solutionFile D:\\home\\site\\repository\\Authenticator.sln'. Project file path: .\\src\\Authenticator \\r\\nD:\\Program Files (x86)\\SiteExtensions\\Kudu\\58.50923.2428\\bin\\Scripts\\starter.cmd "D:\\Program Files (x86)\\SiteExtensions\\Kudu\\58.50923.2428\\bin\\node_modules.bin\\kuduscript.cmd" -y --no-dot-deployment -r "D:\\home\\site\\repository" -o "D:\\home\\site\\deployments\\tools" --aspNetCore "D:\\home\\site\\repository\\src\\Authenticator" --solutionFile D:\\home\\site\\repository\\Authenticator.sln

and the log from the previous successful deployment has this:

Using cached version of deployment script (command: 'azure -y --no-dot-deployment -r "D:\\home\\site\\repository" -o "D:\\home\\site\\deployments\\tools" --aspNetCore "D:\\home\\site\\repository\\src\\Authenticator" --solutionFile D:\\home\\site\\repository\\Authenticator.sln').

I'm not sure why these scripts are different, and what the failure is, there are no specific errors listed.

The last successful commit was on the 9th September, so presumably something has changed on the Azure backend since then.

Any ideas what could be causing this, or how I could even get a more detailed log of what's going on?

Got the same problem today (previous=successful deployment had been at Sep 19).

Tried to detach and re-attach to Git repository, with clearing all files/folders under D:\\home\\site - nothing helps.

Finally, created new website (from same repo), inside the same AppService plan - everything deployed and works Ok.

Of course, copying all settings from old website to new one was a pain.

From comments, as soon as it helps:

It looks that something updated in Azure since website was initially created.

Create new/empty web app and compare its WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION setting with one in your current web app (it is 4.4.7 today, but can change in the future). Copy this new value to your old (broken) website and rerun deployment.

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