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MongoDB connection with Pentaho Kettle (PDI)

I've just downloaded Pentaho Data Integration Community ( pdi-ce- ) aka Kettle, with the goal of designing an ETL routine to make nightly migrations from MongoDB scheme into PostgreSQL.

I couldn't achieve the very first task: create a MongoDB connection. MongoDB is not listed as a Connection Type in the New Connection dialog, so I chose Generic database . Then, I failed to find anything related to MongoDB in the Custom Driver Class Name field required for the generic connection.

Is it possible that the installation/configuration went wrong with Kettle? I remember that I had to kill the first startup because it hanged forever.

Or does PDI-CE lacks some component that I must get somewhere else?

PDI handles Mongodb differently than other databases.

If working on a transformation (vs a job), go to the "Big Data" group of steps and there are two steps - one for MongoDB Input and one for MongoDB Output.

Within those steps you specify the connection information to your database.

Hope that helps,


PS There is also a "MongoDB Delete" in the marketplace that comes in useful when deleting data from collections.

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