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Javascript changes reset when page reloads

I have a one page checkout for my site, so i decided to separate it to 5 parts, and make one or two display at a time, using javascript.

see the code below:

    <fieldset id="vm-fieldset-pricelist" class="vm-fieldset-pricelist"> ... </fieldset>

    <div id="coupon-section" class="coupon-section display-none"> ... </div>

    <fieldset id="shipment-section" class="shipment-section display-none"> ... </fieldset>

    <div id="edit-account-section" class="billto-shipto display-none"> ... </div>

    <div id="part-five" class="display-none"> ... </div>

                    $user = JFactory::getUser();
                    if ($user->guest) { 
                        $usercheckin = '_notloggedin';
                    } else {
                        $usercheckin = '_loggedin';

   <button type="button" id="one-to-two<?php echo $usercheckin ?>" class="sabz-button pull-right" onclick="cartButtonHandler(this.id); return false;"><?php echo vmText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_CHECKOUT_TITLE')?> </button>


window.cartButtonHandler = function(button_id) {
    switch(button_id) {
    case 'one-to-two_notloggedin':
        document.getElementById("vm-fieldset-pricelist").className = "display-none";
        document.getElementById("com-form-login").className = "";
        document.getElementById(button_id).innerHTML = "ثبت اطلاعات و ادامه خرید";
        document.getElementById(button_id).className = "abi-button pull-right";
        document.getElementById(button_id).id = 'two-to-three';
    case 'one-to-two_loggedin':
        document.getElementById("vm-fieldset-pricelist").className = "display-none";
        document.getElementById("edit-account-section").className = "billto-shipto display-none";
        document.getElementById("shipment-section").className = "shipment-section";
        document.getElementById(button_id).innerHTML = "ثبت اطلاعات و ادامه خرید";
        document.getElementById(button_id).className = "abi-button pull-right";
        document.getElementById(button_id).id = 'two-to-three';
    case 'two-to-three':
        document.getElementById("edit-account-section").className = "display-none";
        document.getElementById("shipment-section").className = "display-none";
        document.getElementById("coupon-section").className = "coupon-section";
        document.getElementById(button_id).innerHTML = "بازبینی و تایید سفارش";
        document.getElementById(button_id).id = 'three-to-four';
   case 'three-to-four':
        document.getElementById("part-chahar").className = "";
        document.getElementById("vm-fieldset-pricelist").className = "vm-fieldset-pricelist";
        document.getElementById("edit-account-section").className = "billto-shipto display-none";
        document.getElementById("shipment-section").className = "shipment-section";
        document.getElementById("coupon-section").className = "coupon-section";
        document.getElementById("handlerbutton-section").className = "display-none";
        document.getElementById(button_id).id = 'four-to-five';
   case 'four-to-five':


First of all, I don't know javascript, is there a better way to do this in javascript or jquery or ...?

My problem: when a user for example in "coupon-section" inputs a coupon code and clicks on the submit button, mind that coupon submit button is different from NEXT STEP button, the page reloads and first step pops up. or when a user checks a check box, or any other interaction, page reloads and first step pops up.

How can i save javascript changes and get them back on page reload so user can stay on the same step after interacting with the form? i guess it might be solved using cookies or something but i don't know how to do that.

1.Go through Jquery for easy html (DOM) manipulations and selections.

  1. Go through the documentation SessionStorage ,(to set and get items in broswer session on reload)

  2. Learn Json , Create a json structure to record the progress , and make a function to load the section based on that json .(make everything driven by data) eg :


    { sectionName:"section1", progress:"started" }, { sectionName:"section2", progress:"incomplete" },

Hope this helps

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