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Generate specific, non-zero return code?

I am working on some piece of python code that calls various linux tools (like ssh) for automation purposes. Right now I am looking into "return code" handling.

Thus: I am looking for a simple way to run some command that gives me a specific non-zero return code; something like

echo "this is a testcommand, that should return with rc=5"

for example. But of course, the above comes back with rc=0.

I know that I can call false , but this will always return with rc=1. I am looking for something that gives me an rc that I can control.

Edit: first answers suggest to exit ; but the problem with that: exit is a bash function. So, when I try to run that from within a python script, I get "No such file or directory: exit".

So, I am actually looking for some "binary" tool that gives me that (obviously one can write some simple script to get that; I am just looking if there is something similar to false that is already shipped with any Linux/Unix).

Run exit in a subshell.

$ (exit 5) ; echo $?

This is not exactly what you are asking but custom rc can be achieved through exit command.

 echo "this is a test command, that should return with " ;exit 5
 echo $?

I have this function defined in .bashrc :

return_errorcode () 
    return $1

So, I can directly use something like

$ return_errorcode 5
$ echo $?

Compared to (exit 5); echo $? (exit 5); echo $? option, this mechanism saves you a subshell.

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