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document.getElementById for an element in external html

I have this html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <script type="text/javascript" src="notas.js"></script>


    <p>Nombre alumno: </p>
    <input type="text" name="nombre" id="nombre">
    <p>Nota alumno:</p>
    <input type="text" name="nota">

    <input type="button" name="boton" value="Enviar" onclick="respuesta()">


And this Javascript in another file:

function respuesta(){


The problem is that when I click the button the message is "null" I have see solutions to a similar problem in the forum but I don't know what to do since there's a button. Help!

There are a couple of problems there:

  1. You haven't declared nombrej . (And shouldn't that be nombre ?) That means your code is falling prey to The Horror of Implict Globals (that's a post on my blog) . Declare your variables.

  2. You've set nombrej to the HTMLInputElement . You probably wanted its value, which is on its value property.

  3. Calling document.write once the page has been completed will implicitly call document.open , which wipes out the page and replaces it with what you write.

So respuesta might look something like this instead:

function respuesta(){

    var nombrej=document.getElementById("nombre").value;
//  ^^^--- #1                                    ^^^^^^--- #2
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^--- #3

Side note: I see you've put your script tag in the head section. You'll find a lot of people doing that and telling you to do it, but it's an anti-pattern. Unless you have a specific reason to do something else, put script tags at the very end of body , just before the closing </body> tag. More in YUI's guidelines .

JavaScript getElementById returns the DOM element. To get the value of that text input, you need to get the value of it.

Instead of: nombrej=document.getElementById("nombre");

Use: nombrej=document.getElementById("nombre").value;

Examples: JavaScript: how to get value of text input field?

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