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How to loop over JSON post response and print its data into image divs?

I received JSON post response as shown below . I want to iterate over JSON post response data and print the data in image divs (as shown).

Could any show me how this can be done using JavaScript ? Thanks

Javascript code the receives JSON post response :

  function(response) {
alert("Data: " + response.data + "\nStatus: " + response.status);


post request response received:

"[\r\n  {\r\n    \"itemID\": \"12345678\",\r\n    \"itemTitle\": \"mango\",\r\n    \"itemText\": \"\",\r\n    \"ThumbUrl\": \"http://awebsite.com/pics/1.jpg\",\r\n    \"Other\": null\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"itemID\": \"12345679\",\r\n    \"itemTitle\": \"orange\",\r\n    \"itemText\": \"\",\r\n    \"ThumbUrl\": \"http://awebsite.com/pics/2.jpg\",\r\n    \"Other\": null\r\n  }\r\n]"

Image divs that i want to print :

<div class ="image">
<a href="javascript:dofunction('./test.php?title=Mango&TargetUrl=http://somesite.com/12345678')">
<img src="http://awebsite.com/pics/1.jpg" alt=".." />

<div class ="image">
<a href="javascript:dofunction('./test.php?title=orange&TargetUrl=http://somesite.com/12345679')">
<img src="http://awebsite.com/pics/2.jpg" alt=".." />

Edit: I accept the answer below and i had to validate my actual api data using some replace functions by removing all \\r\\n and changing all itemText key values to "itemtext": "empty", using regular expression!

You can write something like this:

cordovaHTTP.post(url, data, function(response) {
    // first, convert the string to JSON data array structure
    var json = $.parseJSON(response.data);
    // then loop the single items
    for(i in json)
       // create HTML code
       var div = "<div class=\"image\">" + 
       "<a href=\"javascript:dofunction('./test.php?title=" + json[i].itemTitle + "&TargetUrl=http://somesite.com/" + json[i].itemID + "')\">" +
       "<img src=\""+ json[i].ThumbUrl +"\" alt=\"..\" />" +
       "</a>" +
       // append it inside <body> tag.

IMO, use concatenate += of string rather than every time append HTML to the body inside a loop.

In addition of @Taha Paksu answer.

cordovaHTTP.post(url, data, function(response) {
    // first, convert the string to JSON data array structure
    var json = $.parseJSON(response.data);
    // then loop the single items
    var div = "";
    for(i in json)
       // create HTML code
       div += "<div class=\"image\">" + 
       "<a href=\"javascript:dofunction('./test.php?title=" + json[i].itemTitle + "&TargetUrl=http://somesite.com/" + json[i].itemID + "')\">" +
       "<img src=\""+ json[i].ThumbUrl +"\" alt=\"..\" />" +
       "</a>" +
    // append it inside <body> tag once the loop completes


As commented before, there are 2 ways to create dynamic elements

  • Create html string and set it as innerHTML
  • Create dynamic elements using document.createElement and append it to container.

Following is a sample representing creation of HTML string:

Note: There are different ways to loop. You should choose them based on your use case. I have use array.reduce for sample but you can achieve same result using for or any other method.

 var data = [{ "itemID": "12345678", "itemTitle": "mango", "itemText": "", "ThumbUrl": "http://awebsite.com/pics/1.jpg", "Other": null }, { "itemID": "12345679", "itemTitle": "orange", "itemText": "", "ThumbUrl": "http://awebsite.com/pics/2.jpg", "Other": null }] function createHTML(obj) { var _href = "./test.php?title=" +obj.itemTitle+ "&TargetUrl=http://somesite.com/" + obj.itemID var _html = '<div class ="image">' + '<a href="javascript:dofunction('+_href+')">' + '<img src="' +obj.ThumbUrl+ '" alt=".." />' + '</a>' + '</div>' return _html; } var _html = data.reduce(function(p,c){ return p + createHTML(c) },''); console.log(_html) 

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