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Authorization Asp.net web.config

I have an application that has a backoffice. This backoffice was isolated with the use of roles like this:

<location path="backoffice">
            <allow roles="admin"/>
            <deny users="*"/>

But now we have another type of role that needs access. The companyadmin role.

Can I just say?:

 <location path="backoffice">
                <allow roles="admin,companyadmin"/>
                <deny users="*"/>

Yes, exactly so (assuming you properly authenticated your users, and set their roles accordingly).

Check the MSDN article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/do.net.netframework-1.1/8d82143t(v=vs.71)

yes, you can add n roles like that.

If you prefer, you can also:

<allow roles="admin"/>
<allow roles="admin1"/>
<deny users="*"/>

Yes, roles, users and verbs takes comma separated values.

MSDN Reference

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