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How to change static property value in runtime C#?

I have bind the static property in xaml.


 public static WrapperClass
    public static string Filter 
                 return this.GetString(CultureInfo.Culture, "Filter"); 


        <x:StaticExtension Member=local:WrapperClass.Filter x:Key="filtering" />

<Button Content={DynamicResource filtering}/>

This is not working. Please suggest an idea on how to change the static property value in runtime.

使用WPF 4.5,您可以这样做:

<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=(local:WrapperClass.Filter), Mode=TwoWay}" />

you can use PackSettingReader class

public class PackSettingReader
    public PackSettingReader(string settingKeyPrefix = null)
        SettingKeyPrefix = settingKeyPrefix;

    public PackSettingReader(Type settingKeyTypePrefix)
        : this(settingKeyTypePrefix.FullName)

    public string SettingKeyPrefix { get; }

    public string Get(string settingKey, string defaultValue)
        return Get(settingKey) ?? defaultValue;

    public TValue Get<TValue>(string settingKey, TValue defaultValueOnNotFound = default(TValue),
        bool throwExceptionOnNotFound = false)
            var valueString = Get(settingKey);
            if (valueString != null)
                if (typeof(TValue) == typeof(Guid))
                    return (TValue) Convert.ChangeType(Guid.Parse(valueString), typeof(Guid));
                else if (typeof(TValue) == typeof(Type))
                    return (TValue) (object) Type.GetType(valueString, throwExceptionOnNotFound);
                else if (typeof(TValue).IsEnum)
                    return (TValue) Enum.Parse(typeof(TValue), valueString);
                else if (typeof(TValue) == typeof(int[]))
                    return (TValue) (object) valueString.Split(',').Select(s => int.Parse(s)).ToArray();
                else if (typeof(TValue) == typeof(TimeSpan))
                    return (TValue) (object) TimeSpan.Parse(valueString);
                    return (TValue) Convert.ChangeType(valueString, typeof(TValue));
            if (throwExceptionOnNotFound)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Setting key '" + settingKey + "' value not found!");
            return defaultValueOnNotFound;
        catch (Exception)
            if (throwExceptionOnNotFound)
            return defaultValueOnNotFound;

    private string Get(string settingKey)
        var settingProvider =
            ServiceLocator.ResolveOnCurrentInstance<ISettingProvider, ConfigurationSettingProvider>();
        return settingProvider?[SettingKeyPrefix, settingKey];

    public string GetFullKey(string settingKey)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SettingKeyPrefix))
            settingKey = SettingKeyPrefix + '.' + settingKey;
        return settingKey;

you can use default value also set value in and use everywhere

public class PackageSettings
    public static readonly PackageSettings Active;
    public static readonly PackSettingReader SettingReader = new PackSettingReader("Packaging");

    static PackageSettings()
        Active = new PackageSettings
            UserId = SettingReader.Get("UserId", 1),

    public long? UserId { get;  set; }

also you can set value in appSettings

 <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <add key="UserId" value="1" />  

now you can use everywhere this very comfortable in C#


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