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File descriptor for socket.io in Java (android)?

I'm creating a program to record the screen and use a socket to send the data over socket to server. I've successfully implemented it on my sdcard but how do I create a socket from Socket.io library? setOutputFile asks for filedescriptor. Where is it in socket.io?

Socket.io code:

try {
            socket = IO.socket("");
// works

        } catch (Exception e) {

Now for mediarecorder:

// ... some more props...
mMediaRecorder.setOutputFile(NEED A FILE DESCRIPTOR HERE);

How do I go about this? Help!

You can extract the file descriptor of a socket using:


Source: android-developers

Mike Jaren's answer about using ParcelFileDescriptor is no so correct, due to this method creates new file descriptor, reflecting the original. Working method for Java7+ (which android supports) for getting correct file descriptor of socket:

FileDescriptor fd = ((FileInputStream)socket.getInputStream()).getFD();

Source: other stackoverflow answer

Also other method of getting socket's file descriptor on andorid (but complicated) with using java reflection may be seen here .

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