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Laravel - Has Many Through

I'm trying to write a DB Query with Laravel 5.3's Has Many Through option

My DB Tables are layed out as follows :


The tables are :

companies company_offers offers

In my Model I have the following setup :

public function offers()
        return $this->hasManyThrough(
            'App\Offers', 'App\CompanyOffers',
            'company_offer_id', 'offer_id'

When I try to run the following line of code :

return $this->whereHas('offers', function($query) use ($offer_id)
            return $query->whereIn('offer_id', $offer_id);

I get the Error :

Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'offer_id' in where clause is ambiguous

How do I go about correcting this and getting the relationship right?

I need to get the offer title & offer icon for my frontend view.

Hope this makes sense and someone can help me.


"Column 'offer_id' in where clause is ambiguous" basically means the SQL query is dealing with several tables and it doesn't know which table offer_id is referring to:

For example the query could be doing something like

select offers.* from offers
left join another_table on another_table.field = offers.field
where offer_id = ?

Notice that offer_id in the above table could refer to a column in offers or another_table .

What you should do to correct the error is prefix the offer_id with a table name. Something like this:

return $this->whereHas('offers', function($query) use ($offer_id) {
    return $query->whereIn('other_table.offer_id', $offer_id);

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