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How can I test an asyncronous mailer in a rails RSpec feature test?

I am trying to write a feature test where a user leaves a comment and then a notification is sent out via a rails mailer. Everything is working here if I change my mailer call to use .deliver_now but I don't want that in production. I need to be able to test the asynchronous mail delivery or even just force the mailer to deliver now in the test scenario.

login_as campaign_owner
visit campaign_path campaign
fill_in 'Comment', with: 'Foo'
click_on 'Submit'
expect(page).to have_content I18n.t('comments.create.success')
expect(campaign.comments.count).to eq 1
expect(UserMailer.deliveries.count { |d| d.to == [campaign_watcher.email]}).to eq 1

You could always just change the behaviour of your mail delivery by testing for what environment you are running in.


if Rails.env.test?

Though it's questionable what value your test is actually giving you then

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