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Getting EditableText from EditText in RecyclerView

I've recycler view with 0 items, I've added an option to manually add the items, my stracture is simple :

  1. RV_Item.xml (contains EditText).
  2. MyItem, which is an Object for RV ( contains private String Text; ).
  3. MainActivity.java, where the stuff happen.

     // My List<Object> List<MyItem> Items = new ArrayList<>(); // For Adding, I've added FAB-Button, When Clicked, it does the following : Items.add(new MyItem()); CheckForEmptyItems(); mAdapter.notifyItemInserted(0); Now, When the user click the save button, i want to take all the edittext in all the items he had added, i'm doing in the following way : for(MyItem items : Items){ Log.i("PrintingInfo", items.getText() ); }

The problem is, i'm not getting the text he entered in all EditText fields, and it's returning Null in all of them, What's the issue in this ?

So, i don't know why always i know the answer after posting, but here's how you gonna know what the user typed :

in your Adapter Class, in onBindViewHolder method, add textlistener for the EditText, here's an example :

holder.MyEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {


        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {


        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {

Hope that helps you!

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