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Github Pages renders blank page

I just pushed a blank Jekyll site to my github pages. https://louissafety.github.io/ However, instead of rending the default jekyll page, it renders the blank page. What could be wrong.

It works fine on the local machine.

Github page : https://github.com/louissafety

While your site is properly setup to use jekyll , it's using ruby gems that are not available to github-pages .

The only lines that you're supposed to have in your Gemfile are: source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins

Any other gems or includes may not be available to Github Pages, causing the jeykll biuld to fail

If you try to use a custom theme for which the gem is not whitelisted by GitHub, you might need to declare the custom theme in your _config.yml file as remote_theme: github_user/repo , and remove it from your Gemfile .

Here is my Gemfile :

source "https://rubygems.org"
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins

And the interesting part of my _config.yml :

remote_theme: pawamoy/jekyll-readthedocs

To build locally, just run bundle exec jekyll serve .

More information on the GitHub help page for Jekyll themes .

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