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Github pages with blank page and repo link. Not loading page

I have googled and searched and cannot find an answer to this. I have my page at github and it just returns a hyperlink with the readme. Here is the current repo: https://github.com/brianmsantos/brianmsantos.github.io .


Create an index.html and add your content there. See https://pages.github.com/

1 create package.json and add

  "homepage": "https://name.github.io/appname",

2.Use the terminal and install gh pages using command: npm install --save gh-pages

3.Add this to your scripts in package.json

"scripts": {
      "predeploy": "npm run build",
      "deploy": "gh-pages -d build",
  1. make deploy using npm run deploy in commandline 5 in your repository settings set the branch to gh-pages branch and save

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