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Fastest way to compute vector in Python

I have the following (using Python's pandas):

y: n by 1 dataframe

x: n by k dataframe

theta: k by 1 dataframe

Each of the elements in the above dataframes contains a real number.

I need a dataframe w, where w = y'x (' denotes transpose), but w only contains the observations for which y multiplied element-wise by (x * theta) is less than 1. In other words, the dimension of w is at most n by k, and there will be fewer rows if there are some observations that do not meet the criteria.

What's the fastest way (in terms of time) to get w?

Use .values to access underlying numpy arrays

Y = y.values
X = x.values
Th = theta.values

W = Y.T.dot(X)

mask = Y * X.dot(Th) < 1

w = pd.DataFrame(W[mask], y.index[mask])

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