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Node JS multiple http request missing response

Hello I am working on node js http request with a loop and its size is 1728 and its response is missing like it stuck at 1727 kindly help me I am trying to fix this problem for three days.

for ( let i = 0 ; i < playerLength ; i++ ) {
for ( let j = startYear ; j < currentYear ; j++ ) {

    var playerSeasonData = {};
    playerSeasonData.url = me.config.sport.url + league + '/v2/JSON/PlayerSeasonStatsByPlayer/'+ j +'/' + playerData[i].playerID;
    playerSeasonData.method = 'GET';
    playerSeasonData.headers = {};
    playerSeasonData.headers = {'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key':'**********************'};

    me.request( playerSeasonData ,function(  error, response, data  ){
        count ++;


The problem you are having is that your function is returning before all the http requests have been completed.

Consider promisifying me.request via bluebird and then return a Promise.all . Here's an example: http://bluebirdjs.com/docs/api/promise.all.html

Did you try the simple solution of using <= instead of <. Hard to say from the code you are showing, but that might be the difference between 1728 & 1727.

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