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Passing mutilple HTML fragments / other components to a component

Consider a simple component in Aurelia:

export class FrameComponent
    @bindable str1;
    @bindable str2;

And the corresponding HTML template:


As simple as it gets. Now I can use this component in a parent like this:

    <require from="./frame-component"></require>
    <frame-component str1="Hello" str2="World"></frame-component>

Question 1

What if I don't want to provide the child component just with simple strings, but instead I want to set them with HTML fragments?

Question 2

What if the I want to pass whole complete components as in str1 and str2 ?

Here's a gist demo: https://gist.run/?id=0bf83980935015217cfb83250643c13f

Content Projection

It applies for Question 1 and Question 2 .

[Documentation] By using slots, you can define the content of your custom component declaratively. It can contain other custom components as well.


    <slot name="str1">Default str1</slot>

    <slot name="str2">Default str2</slot>

usage in app.html

<require from="./frame-slot"></require>

    <div slot="str1"><h3>${slotStr1}</h3></div>
    <div slot="str2">

Inline ViewStrategy

It applies for Question 1 and Question 2 .

[Documentation] By using InlineViewStrategy, you can define templates as plain string variables and display it with the help of <compose> element [Composition docs] .


import { bindable, InlineViewStrategy } from 'aurelia-framework';

export class FrameInline {
  @bindable template;
  @bindable model;


  attached() {
    this.viewStrategy = new InlineViewStrategy(`<template>${this.template}</template>`);


  <compose view.bind="viewStrategy" model.bind="model"></compose>


export class App {

  inlineModel = { 
    name: "inline-template",
    description: "This is an inline template",
    slot: "Frame-slot Str1 content within frame-inline"

  inlineTemplate = '<require from="./frame-slot"></require>' + 
                   '<div>${model.name}: ${model.description}</div>' + 
                   '<br>' +
                   '<frame-slot>' + 
                     '<div slot="str1">${model.slot}</div>' +

usage in app.html

<require from="./frame-inline"></require>
<frame-inline template.bind="inlineTemplate" model.bind="inlineModel"></frame-inline>

InnerHTML binding

It applies for Question 1 only.

You can bind content to an element's innerHTML property. I'm mentioning that, but you should use it with caution or not at all.


Binding using the innerhtml attribute simply sets the element's innerHTML property. The markup does not pass through Aurelia's templating system. Binding expressions and require elements will not be evaluated.

<div innerHTML.bind="content | sanitizeHTML"></div>

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