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Coverting for loop to lambda and streams

I have this block of code and have spent some time trying to convert this for loop, using lambda expressions and streams but have failed.

for(int i = 0, j = 308; i < 17;i++, j -= 18) {
            if(consoleMessages[i] != null) {
                newBoldFont.drawBasicString(consoleMessages[i], 9, j, 16777215, 0);

I have tried this, also have tried many other ways but can't remember what I had.

                newBoldFont.drawBasicString(x, 9, v, 16777215, 0);

If you insist...

    IntStream.range(0, 17)
            i-> {
                if(consoleMessages[i] != null)
                    newBoldFont.drawBasicString(consoleMessages[i], 9, 308 - 18 * i, 16777215, 0);

... but WHY would anyone want to do this? The loop is perfect, it is readable, it is understandable. Leave the code as it is.

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