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JavaScript Array to MVC Controller

I have a simple JavaScript array that I am trying to pass to a controller

function SubmitData()
    var operationCollection = new Array();

    var test1 = { name: "Bill", age: "55", address: "testing" };
    var test2 = { name: "Ben", age: "55", address: "testing" };
    var test3 = { name: "Flo", age: "55", address: "testing" };

    var dataToPost = JSON.stringify(operationCollection);

        type: "POST",
        url: "Home/AddPerson",
        datatype: JSON,
        data: { methodParam: dataToPost },
        traditional: true


The C# controller has a class

public class newEntry

    public string name { get; set; }
    public string age { get; set; }
    public string address { get; set; }


and the method

public void AddPerson(List<newEntry> methodParam)

    foreach (newEntry item in methodParam)
      string name =  item.age + item.address;


When I run the code in debug, the value passed to the controller method is always NULL or 0. I can't seem to get the array to pass correctly. I have read on previous posts that traditional: true will fix this... it doesn't for me though. Has anyone any ideas?

Try adding this to the signature of your method:

public void AddPerson(List<newEntry> methodParam)

Also as Gavin stated use data: dataToPost

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