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Using httpd ProxyPass with DirectoryIndex

How can I use a ProxyPass and DirectoryIndex at the same time?

I have the following rule:

# Index
DirectoryIndex index.html

# Service Endpoint
ProxyPass /endpointA
ProxyPassReverse /endpointA

# Root Endpoint
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

The expected behavior is that when a user hits the machine at / , they should be served

I however, am getting a 404 from the /static/ endpoint as it appears there is no default page trying to be loaded; this all works correctly if I hit


Which routes me to

How can I have a ProxyPass and a DirectoryIndex working at the same time, or some other combination of configuration, so that when a user simply hits / , they are routed to and not just ?

The problem is that the DirectoryIndex won't be used because the server's already matched the ProxyPass /, and so it's already been passed to the other server.

You should set the DirectoryIndex on your backend server. ie The one on port 8080.

I have tested several ways and the only one who yielded the same result you seem to want for me as of now has seem to be using mod_rewrite as in:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ [P,L]

then you can add the rest:

RewriteRule ^/(.+)$1 [P,L]

This may be a rough way to do it.

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