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Convert Firebase Dictionary Data to Array (Swift)

This may be a simple answer, so apologies in advance, but I'm stuck because I'm still getting head wrapped around how Firebase works. I want to query a Firebase Database based on unix date data that is saved there and then take the related "Unique ID" data and put it into an array.

The data in Firebase looks like this:

    Unix Date: Int
    Unique ID Event Number: Int
    Unix Date: Int
    Unique ID Event Number: Int
    Unix Date: Int
    Unique ID Event Number: Int

What I have so far is as follows. The query part seems to be working as expected. Where I'm struggling is how to put the "Unique ID Event Number" data into an array. This is the approach that seemed closest to success, which is based on this post , but I get an error that child has no member of "value".

// Log user in
if let user = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser {

    // values for vars sevenDaysAgo and oneDayAgo set here


    let uid = user.uid

    //Query Database to get the places searched by the user between one and seven days ago.
    let historyRef = self.ref.child("historyForFeedbackLoop/\(uid)")

    historyRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "Unix Date").queryStarting(atValue: sevenDaysAgo).queryEnding(atValue: oneDayAgo).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in

        if (snapshot.value is NSNull) {
        } else {
            for child in snapshot.children {
                if let uniqueID = child.value["Unique ID Event Number"] as? Int {

} else {
    print("auth error")

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

Try using this:-

   historyRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "Unix Date").queryStarting(atValue: sevenDaysAgo).queryEnding(atValue: oneDayAgo).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in

       if let snapDict = snapshot.value as? [String:AnyObject]{

               for each in snapDict{

                       let unID = each.value["Unique ID Event Number"] as! Int   

               print("SnapDict is null")


I ended up re-working how I read the Firebase data based on the approach outlined in this post . The actual working code I used follows in case it's helpful for someone else.

// Log user in
if let user = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser {

   let uid = user.uid
   // values for vars sevenDaysAgo and oneDayAgo set here


   let historyRef = self.ref.child("historyForFeedbackLoop/\(uid)")
    historyRef.queryOrdered(byChild: "Unix Date").queryStarting(atValue: sevenDaysAgo).queryEnding(atValue: oneDayAgo).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { snapshot in

        if (snapshot.value is NSNull) {
            print("user data not found")
        else {

             for child in snapshot.children {

                let data = child as! FIRDataSnapshot
                let value = data.value! as! [String:Any]
                self.arrayOfUserSearchHistoryIDs.append(value["Unique ID Event Number"] as! Int)

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