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RecursionError while iterating over list

I have a list of geodesic points by the format: [lat, long, elevation, index, land/sea binary classifier] in a grid formation with regular spacing throughout the dataset. I'm trying to find all neighbouring points that are land (elv > 0) to the current point in the list.

I keep getting this error: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while getting the repr of a list and although I understand the sort of thing that could be causing this, I have no idea how this applies to this situation as I'm not explicitly using recursion. How am I able to remedy this error? How can I understand the problem better as well?

(topLat, bottomLat, westLong, eastLong are the lats and longs for the first and last point in the grid/map to identify points at the edge of the map)

def buildNeighbours(point, dataset):
    neighbours = []
    ix = int(point[3])

    if point[0] != topLat and point[0] != bottomLat and point[1] != westLong and point[1] != eastLong:
        nw = dataset[ix - (rowLength + 1)]
        n = dataset[ix - rowLength]
        ne = dataset[ix - (rowLength - 1)]
        e = dataset[ix + 1]
        se = dataset[ix + (rowLength + 1)]
        s = dataset[ix + rowLength]
        sw = dataset[ix + (rowLength - 1)]
        w = dataset[ix - 1]
        neighbours = [nw, n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w]

        point = []

    return point

for point in dataList:
    point = buildNeighbours(point, dataList)


To stringify a point (really a list ), print must first get the string representation of every element. The last element of each point is a list of neighboring points, each of which is a list that contains yet another list of neighboring points... one of which is the original point. And so it continues...

list 's __repr__ attempts to limit recursive cases, eventually giving up and returning '...' . Assuming it uses the same defaults as reprlib.Repr objects , the maxlevel (max recursion depth) is 6. With 8 neighbors each, that could mean thousands of visits to a relatively small number of unique points.

I was able to print a 3×3 grid, where the fan-out is limited because most of the points only have 3 or 5 neighbors (corners and sides). My simplified point lists, which didn't contain altitude or land/sea elements, required about 700kiB to represent the whole grid... about 40KiB for the upper-left corner alone. On a 4×4 grid, a single point ballooned up to about 16MiB.

That said, I'm guessing what your inputs look like, and I probably haven't reproduced what you're really doing. More importantly, I did not get a RecursionError like you did, perhaps because I gave up waiting for it.

With those caveats in mind, I suggest:

  • In each point's neighbors list, store the indices of the neighbors. Look them up later whenever you need them. (This is the simplest solution I could come up with.) Write a couple helper functions that calculate the northwest or south or whatever neighbor of a given index, since you'll be doing that a lot.

  • Alternatively, consider creating a neighbors dictionary, mapping each point's index to a list of indices. You'd have to keep that dictionary alongside dataList at all times, but it would let you remove the list of neighbors from all of your points.

  • If you really have to store the neighbors themselves, create a Point class with custom __str__ and __repr__ methods that don't try to print the neighbors. As a bonus, a class would let you refer to fields with names like lat , lng , and index instead of mysterious subscripts like [1] and [3] .

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