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How to create a C# library to be used from C# projects?

I want to develop a small library which will be used across different C# projects.

I was looking at this guide - https://github.com/LRPalacios/net-core-get-started

It talks about creating a Class Library (.NET Core).

However, my copy Visual Studio Community 2015 does not show this option at all.

Only relevant thing I see is Windows Desktop -> Classic Desktop -> Class Library Windows桌面->经典桌面->类库 .

What is the difference and what is the best way to create a class library for use across different C# projects. My library won't have any UI elements.

Also, is dll the only way to go - is there a concept of static libs in dotnet?

To fix the .Net core project type issue, you have to install Visual Studio Update 3 and then install .Net Core Tools for Visual Studio.

You can of course use the current Class Library project but this will work only against the Full .Net framework project not .Net core alone

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