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How to use class in div tag inside asp.net controls InnerHtml c#

I'm trying to use div tag inside innerhtml c#. Below is my piece of code for sample,

slideUL.InnerHtml = "<div class = "slide - holder"/>"

But I'm getting compile error. Please any one guide me to proceed this.

You can use single quote or escape with double quote for class property. I think class name should be without any space like slide-holder . Also you have missed close </div> tag

slideUL.InnerHtml = "<div class = \"slide-holder\"/></div>"

If you really need to use quotation marks, you need to use escape characters for them:

slideUL.InnerHtml = "<div class = \\"slide - holder\\"/>"

See this MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h21280bw.aspx

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