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com.apple.quarantine appearing in web server content

I have a development mac book pro, and I have zend server, zend studio. setup.

I recently ran into an issues where the server is return the string.

  <body role="document" style="padding-bottom: 32px;">????Mac OS X ? 2 ? ATTR  &amp;? &amp;?com.apple.quarantineq/0006;58057668;Microsoft\\x20Outlook; 

I tried running this /usr/bin/xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ~ on all my sites, zend files, but nothing is fixing.

any ideas?

I found out the problem incase anyone runs into this in the future.

I had downloaded a zray plugin, from the web. and I installed it manually.

The process of downloading it and than installing it produced the text on all output while zrat was enabled

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