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controlling multiple grids visibility

I have a WPF application. It contains quite a few grids. I am using (trying to) the MVVM pattern.

So in my view model I have properties of System.Windows.Visibility to control if a grid is visible or collapsed. This all works fine.

However say I have 50 grids for example. I only want one to be visible at a time. So say the application on start up shows grid1. A user then clicks a button which means grid2 should now be visible and grid1 should collapse.

I can do this with the below code although I feel this is a poor way of doing it as it is not very scale able

    void GridSelector(string gridName)
        if(gridName == "grid1")
            Grid1 = Visibility.Visible;
            Grid2 = Visibility.Collapsed;
            Grid3 = Visibility.Collapsed;
            Grid50 = Visibility.Collapsed;
        else if(gridName == "grid2")
            Grid1 = Visibility.Collapsed;
            Grid2 = Visibility.Visible;
            Grid3 = Visibility.Collapsed;
            Grid50 = Visibility.Collapsed;

What is a better way of doing this? Is this where I should use reflection?

You could use a converter that converts the selected grid id to a visibility, like so:

public class GridIdToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, 
        object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return value.ToString() == parameter.ToString() ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, 
        object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

And apply it to your grids

<Grid Visibility="{Binding SelectedGridId, Converter={StaticResource GridIdToVisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter=grid1}/>

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