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gradle sync error android studio

I was trying to create some android sample app using android studio and I came across a gradle sync error.

It says unknown host for jcenter.bintray.com and configure proxy.

But when I try to access it using browser url is accessible. I also tried to check connection in android studio > setting > system settings > http proxy > check connection.

It shows connection successful. So the error occurs only when it builds. what could be the reason?


buildscript {
repositories {
    jcenter { url "http://jcenter.bintray.com/" }

dependencies {
    classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.1'

allprojects {

This happens because the android studio could not able to fetch the dependencies from the repository.

Try updating android studio to newer version , along with deactivating offline mode got it to work.

Remove testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' from build.gradle file, If you are not using unit test.

If you need test case, Set up proxy settings(file->settings->appearance & behaviour ->system settings->http proxy ) , if you are behind proxy.

and add below repository in build.gradle,

repositories {
    maven { url 'http://repo1.maven.org/maven2' }
    jcenter { url "http://jcenter.bintray.com/" }

如果是互联网访问问题,请在 android studio 首选项中检查和配置代理 url,并使用端口设置手动代理 url。

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