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How to set multiple events on function

How do you call a function that allready has an event attached to it?

I want to be able to call the function with something like this:

statsDialog::statsDialog(..) : wxDialog(..) {

Or, how to bind multiple eventhandlers to a function? For example call updateStats with the wxEVT_SET_FOCUS event AND when UPDATE_STATS_BUTTON is pressed. How can I do this without duplicating code (copying the updateStats function just changing it to wxFocusEventHandler )?

BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(statsDialog, wxDialog)
EVT_BUTTON(UPDATE_STATS_BUTTON, statsDialog::updateStats)

statsDialog::statsDialog(..) : wxDialog(..) {    
    // layout stuff

statsDialog::updateStats(wxCommandEvent& event) {
    // do stuff on dialog focus AND when UPDATE_STATS_BUTTON is pressed

Simply have a function called DoUpdateStats() called from both the focus and button event handlers. This is particularly trivial when using C++11 with Bind() :

Bind(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, [](wxFocusEvent& e) { e.Skip(); DoUpdateStats(); });
btn->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, [](wxCommandEvent&) { DoUpdateStats(); });

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