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Weird spikes in MySQL query times

I'm running a NodeJS with MySQL (InnoDB) for a game server (player info, savedata, stuff). Server is HTTP(S) based so nothing realtime.

I'm having these weird spikes as you can see from the graphs below (first graph is requests/sec and last graph is queries/sec)

On the response time graph you can see max response times with purple and avg response times with blue. Even with those 10-20k peaks avg stays at 50-100ms as do 95% of the requests.

I've been digging around and found that the slow queries are nothing special. Usually update query with savedata (blob of ~2kb) or player profile update which modifies like username or so. No joins or anything like that. We're talking about tables with less than 100k rows.

Server is running in Azure on Ubuntu 14.04 with MySQL 5.7 using 4 cores and 7GB of RAM.


MySQL settings:


Edit: It turned out that the problem was never MySQL performance but Node.js performance before the SQL queries. More info here: Node.js multer and body-parser sometimes extremely slow

check your swappiness (suppose to be 0 mysql machines maximizing ram usage):

> sysctl -A|grep swap
vm.swappiness = 0

with only 7G of RAM and 4G of just buffer pool, your machine will swap if swappiness is not zero.

could you post your swap graph and used memory. 4G buffer is "over the edge" for 7G ram. For 8G ram, I would give 3G as you have +1G on everything else mysql wise + 2G on OS.

Also you have 1G for transaction log file and I assume you have two log files. Do you have so many writes to have such large files? You can use this guide: https://www.percona.com/blog/2008/11/21/how-to-calculate-a-good-innodb-log-file-size/

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