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Google service account Delegation

I am working on creating a simple app in google appengine to automatically post contents on my blogspot.

I have created service account and trying to use below code for calling blogger api for posting a blog. This one fails to run with insufficient privileges error message.

service = build('blogger', 'v3')

class MainHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):
            body = {
            "kind": "blogger#post",
            "id": "9999999999999999",
            "title": "SAmple title",
            "content": "SAmple blog contents"
            scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/blogger']
            credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name('secret-key.json', scopes=scopes)
            http_auth     = credentials.authorize(Http())
            request = service.posts().insert(blogId="9999999999999999",body=body)
            response = request.execute(http=http_auth)

app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
    ('/postcontents', MainHandler)
], debug=True)

However i can access the blog details by below line


It seems like my service account is not associated with my blogger account(though both my google app engine and blogger uses same gmail account). how do i achieve this ?

Blogger doesn't support service accounts. You will need to use Oauth2. Authenticate your code once store the refresh token have your code then use the refresh token to get a new access token as needed.

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