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How can I get the absolute path of a running .exe in java web application?

I want to get the absolute path of a .exe and I used file.getAbsolutePath() but give me


but I only want this:


How can I do this? It runs correctly in Java application but in web application it doesn't.

but I only want this:


How can I do this? In Java application run correctly but in web application not.

First of all web application is a Java (EE) application.

Second: /Users/Username/Documents/workspaceN/NameProject/lib/name.exe is not the real path of your file. You are getting the real path where the .exe file is placed into the packaged application; WAR file.

If you want another path you must use the .exe file as an external resource and reference it directly from the code, don't include it in the war package.

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