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Remove parent div if child div contains a certain data attribute

Since, I'm doing this dynamically, I have to check whether the main div matches a certain user-id . If it does, then dive into it and do the extra work. Let me show you what i'm talking about.

<div class="col-md-6 user-card-holder" data-user="2">
  <div class="col-xs-2 single-card">
    <div class="house" data-house="hearts" data-value="q">Q-hearts</div>

There are many div's having the classname user-card-holder . I have to check the specific one with the data-user attribute. Now what I'm checking is:

If a div contains data-house with the value of hearts and also data-value with the value of q , then remove that div along with it's parent. Here parent means the div having the class single-card and not the user-card-holder

I have tried using filter() . Maybe I'm doing something wrong here.

 $('.user-card-holder[data-user='+ card.user +'] div div').filter(function(){

     var div = $(this).data('house') == card.house && $(this).data('value') == card.number;
      return div.parent()


I have seen answers which shows to remove the element based on data attribute, but not it's parent.

I'd suggest:

// this finds all <div> elements with a
// 'data-house' attribute equal to 'hearts' and a
// 'data-value' attribute equal to 'q':
  // traverses to the parent of the matching element(s):
  // removes the parent element(s) from the DOM:

Alternatively, if you're searching an ancestor dynamically to find the appropriate element(s) to remove, which seems to be the case on a re-reading of your question:

// finds <div> element(s) with the class of 'user-card-holder'
// and the 'data-user' attribute equal to the value of the 'card.user'
// variable, and finds the descendant <div> element(s) matching
// the selector used above:
$('div.user-card-holder[data-user=' + card.user + '] div[data-house=hearts][data-value=q]')
  // traverses to the parent of the descendant element:
  // removes the parent element of that descendant:


Try this function:


function removeCardFromUser(id) {
        var user = $(this).data('user');
        if (user === id) {
                var house = $(this).data('house');
                var value = $(this).data('value');
                if (house === 'hearts' && value === 'q') {

It looks for a div with class 'user-card-holder' and data-user = {given id} and then looks for its descendants with data-house = 'hearts' and data-value='q' and deletes its parent.

David's answer would suffice though! :)

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