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Null pointer exception on @PostConstruct method?

I'm developing a small application in Java using Spring, so I have this Service:

public class AccountService implements UserDetailsService {

    private AccountRepository accountRepository;

    private BlogRepository blogRepository;

    private ImageService imageService;

    protected void initialize() throws IOException {
        Account user = new Account("user", "demo", "ROLE_USER");
        Blog userBlog = new Blog("userBlog", true, user);
        save(new Account("admin", "admin", "ROLE_ADMIN"));

    // More methods


And this test:

public class AccountServiceTest {

    private AccountService accountService = new AccountService();

    private AccountRepository accountRepositoryMock;

    public void shouldInitializeWithTwoDemoUsers() throws IOException {
        // act
        // assert
        verify(accountRepositoryMock, times(2)).save(any(Account.class));


Why when I run the tests I get this exception?

shouldInitializeWithTwoDemoUsers(es.udc.fi.dc.fd.account.AccountServiceTest)  Time elapsed: 0.016 sec  <<< ERROR!
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
    at es.udc.fi.dc.fd.account.AccountService.initialize(AccountService.java:45)
    at es.udc.fi.dc.fd.account.AccountServiceTest.shouldInitializeWithTwoDemoUsers(AccountServiceTest.java:42)

Using the @PostConstruct annotation it's supposed to have all beans injected right?

Few things here. First of all @InjectMocks generally makes things easier but Mockito not a dependency injection framework, so its not guaranteed to work properly.

Secondly, for @InjectMocks to work properly you need to @Mock all your objects as well and not manually create the class you are trying to inject. I don't believe its the case anymore but in order versions of mockito, the order of the @Mocks would matter as well.

This code might work for you

public class AccountServiceTest {

    private AccountRepository accountRepositoryMock;

    private BlogRepository blogRepository;

    private ImageService imageService;

    private AccountService accountService ;

    public void shouldInitializeWithTwoDemoUsers() throws IOException {
        // act
        // assert
        verify(accountRepositoryMock, times(2)).save(any(Account.class));


You need to mock all the dependencies that your test subject is using. You may want to do this in your AccountServiceTest class:

private BlogRepository blogRepositoryMock;

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