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back commandbutton in jsf

how would one implement a back-button as a commandbutton that works universally? with back button i don't mean the browser-button, but rather a button that sits somewhere on the page. it is not always possible to use the Post-redirect-get pattern.

its quite impractial to pass around the information on every single where the button should point to.

is there maybe a reserved keyword for a navigation rule that points to the last navigation rule applied?

I use a h:commandLink with attribute onclick="history.go(-1)" in this case. It works universally.

My first idea :

on every

<h:commandLink .....>

and etc; store the navigation string in a bean, or even a stack, and then the back button can retrieve it and just return that as per faces-config.xml

Second idea.

But on reflection you should override or use a filter to intercept the navigation commands and push them onto a stack. Then the back button can just pop the navigation off and away you go.

You can use:

<p:commandButton onclick="window.history.back();"/>

That instruction do the same as onclick="history.go(-1)" which alexmeia has said.

我会将导航字符串存储在堆栈数据类型中,然后您使用 stack.peek() 来显示您身后的站点,当它被点击时,您会触发一个触发 stack.pop() 的动作事件

I have used the "previous" button in my tab view and the navigation is working smoothly by just using

 <p:commandButton value="Previous" id="PreviousOffer" onclick="window.history.go(-1);return false;"/>

PS- When I did not use return false; and I clicked on the previous button, it stays on the current page only. However, after adding return false it started working.

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