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System.Management.Automation.Powershell.Invoke() claims HadErrors when there were none

I'm having an issue with the following code where it works fine on computers who have Powershell version 1-4 but when ran on a computer with Powershell V5, the test, "posh.HadErrors" is returning true. I tried this on a clean vagrant install so it's not a profile or env var issue. Any git command I try running, powershell claims to have errors when running on a computer with v5 installed. I'm not even sure how to debug this issue.

using (var posh = PowerShell.Create())
    string resultString = "";
    posh.AddScript("git checkout master");
    var results = posh.Invoke();
    foreach (var result in results)
        if (result == null) { continue; }

        if (posh.HadErrors)
            // This is getting hit when it shouldn't when running Powershell V5
            resultString += result + "\r\n";

    foreach (var error in posh.Streams.Error)

    return Tuple.Create(!posh.HadErrors, resultString);

git outputs to stderr even when there's no error.

Eg if it looks like this:

> git checkout master
Already on 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

That first line is error output.

If it looks like this:

> git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.

That first line is still error output.

You can verify it by running the command like this:

git checkout master 1>output.log 2>error.log


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