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javax.naming.NameNotFoundException - jndiName

I want to switch from jetty to tomcat. I get NameNotFoundException because tomcat not found jndiName that is in jetty-web.xml and used in applicationContext.xml.

part of my applicationContext.xml:

    <bean id="clarityDataSource" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean" depends-on="i18nFactoryProvider">
    <property name="jndiName" value="java:comp/env/jdbc/clarityDS"/>

part of jetty-web.xml

    <New id="clarityds" class="org.eclipse.jetty.plus.jndi.Resource">
        <New class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource">
            <Set name="connectionCachingEnabled">true</Set>
            <Set name="dataSourceName">clarityDS</Set>
            <Set name="URL"><SystemProperty name="clarityDS.url"/></Set>
            <Set name="user"><SystemProperty name="clarityDS.username"/></Set>
            <Set name="password"><SystemProperty name="clarityDS.password"/></Set>

I know that jetty-web.xml load after all files.

anyone can help me?

  • jetty-web.xml deployed in WEB-INF
  • applicationContext.xmk deployed in WEB-INF/classes/spring

I add resource to tomcat context.xml and solved problem.

Run java web apps in embedded containers with Maven, Jetty and Tomcat


But i like to use my context.xml in custom path, if it's possible

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