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Excluding PropertySource from scanning in SpringBoot WebMvcTest or other application context for WebMvcTest

I develop web app with Spring Boot. I have problem with unit test for web layer. For these tests I'm using annotation @WebMvcTest . Problem is that my main configuration class contains @PropertySource with java arg, which contains path to external properties file, and when I start my unit web test, error is occured that this java arg can't be parsed(of course I can add this java arg to run configuration of my test, but my web unit tests don't need this file).

My main config class:

@PropertySource(value = {"${pathto.configfile}"})
public class Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);


My first solution was to create separate configuration class with "!test" profile, and relocate @PropertySource("..") to it. And to my unit test add @ActiveProfiles("test")

My second Configuration class:

@PropertySource(value = {"${pathto.configfile}"})
public class PropertyConfiguration {


For unit web test this solution works very good. But new problem appears in starting of my web app. In my external properties file I have property spring.profiles.active . To this property I assign or db or file value. Depending on its value, apropriate implementation of Repository is created and injected to my service layer. When value is db , app starts good, but when value is file error is being thrown: NoSuchBeanDefinitionException .

When I come back to my previous version(without second configuration file), app starts good in both cases(but not web unit tests)

So, explain please, why when value of spring.profiles.active=db , app starts good, but when spring.profiles.active=file - failed.And how I can solve my task? I attempted to find how I can add other application context to my web unit tests, but I didn't find. Any idea?:)

For my database repositories I'm using Spring Data JPA, so I don't create implementation of these repositories, but I create implementations of my file repositories, and my implementations had @Profile("file") . After deleting this annotation from implementations, it leaved only on interfaces. I don't know why one config class worked, but two classes didn't. But problem is solved)

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