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Running appium scripts for ios in parallel

I have two mac machines with all the setup installed for appium. I want to run the appium scripts on two ios simulators in parallel.It is not possible in one mac machine by launching two simulators in parallel because mac uses only one instrument instance at a time.

Is there any way to approach this by using two machines?


You could use the Selenium grid to handle your two machines, as instructed at https://github.com/appium/appium/blob/master/docs/en/advanced-concepts/grid.md

Otherwise you'll need to create a driver session against each of the servers in your script. To target a specific Appium server, simply change the url:port combination to match either of your servers when creating the Appium webdriver object/session.

对于android,您可以并行运行两个模拟器,因此您可以建立两个appium会话并并行运行脚本。但是进入ios xcode将不允许您并行运行模拟器。

As of now, http://appium.io/docs/en/advanced-concepts/parallel-tests/ "With Xcode9 Appium supports parallel RealDevice and Simulator testing." for iOS

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