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Node JS read file insert to mongo db

I have a text file with this content

title: A, alert: notice, desc: Starting
title: B, alert: notice, desc: Process Step 1 and 2
 Step 1 - Execute
 Step 2 - Log
title: C, alert: notice, desc: "Ending"

I want to insert it to my mongo db with this format

 title: A,
 alert: notice,
 desc: Starting
 title: B,
 alert: notice,
 desc: Process Step 1 and 2 Step 1 - Execute Step 2 - Log
 title: C,
 alert: notice,
 desc: Ending

I've been trying to find node packages that could help but almost all file reader packages can only read the file and not allow line by line editing. For example if the next line is indented it should merge with previous line.

const fs = require('fs');
const rl = require('readline');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');

let readline = [];
let readlinesplit = [];
let finalarrobj = [];
let keyarr = [
let splitline = [];
let filenamearr = []
let getfile;
let scSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
    variable: {
      type : String
    identification: {
      type : String
    value: {
      type : String
    unit: {

    status: {
      type : String 
    date: {
      type: Date
    time: {
      type: Date
const SC = mongoose.model('SC', scSchema);

try {
  fs.readdir('D:/scnner_data/public', (err, data) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    data.forEach((element) => {
      if (element.match(/SC/)) {
    filenamearr.map(async (element) => {
      getfile = fs.createReadStream(`public/${element}`);
      readline = rl.createInterface({
        input: getfile,
        crlfDelay: Infinity 
      for await (let line of readline) {
      splitline.forEach((element) => {
      for (let i = 0; i < readlinesplit.length; i++) {
        readobj = {};
        for (let j = 0; j < keyarr.length; j++) {
          readobj[keyarr[j]] = readlinesplit[i][j];
      try {
        console.log('data inserted for SC');
      } catch (error) {
        throw  error.message;
} catch(e) {
   throw e.message

you can use this approach to read your directory and store data this is just a basic approach to insert data from text file to databse. i hopw this may help you

This will be a two step process. The first will be parsing your file. It doesn't appear to be in any common standard (that I'm aware of) so you'll likely need to write this yourself.

The second part will be writing files to a mongodb. This is a separate issue, though if you follow the documentation it's fairly straightforward. I'd suggest you try these things and then ask again if you have any problems.

Edit: Here's the file parsed to a js object: https://jsfiddle.net/cyksd7o3/

 var fileInput = 'title: A, alert: notice, desc: Starting\ntitle: B, alert: notice, desc: Process Step 1 and 2 Step 1 - Execute Step 2 - Log \ntitle: C, alert: notice, desc: "Ending"'; var parseFile = function(input){ var rows = input.split('\n'); var returnObj = []; for (var i=0; i < rows.length; i++){ var currRow = rows[i]; returnObj.push(getDataObject(currRow)); } return returnObj; }; var getDataObject = function(inputRowString){ var newObject = {}; var propSplit = inputRowString.split(','); for (var i = 0; i < propSplit.length; i++){ var currSplit = propSplit[i]; var keyValue = currSplit.split(':'); newObject[keyValue[0].replace(/\s/g,'')] = keyValue[1]; } return newObject; }; console.dir(parseFile(fileInput));

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