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Android studio doesn't recognize AndroidManifest.xml as part of project when use git

good day!:

The problem comes when I use the git repository, and I want edit the AndroidManifest.xml, Android Studio show this dialog:

dialog weird

But to compile the project isn't affect, I don't understand, I add my repository files this way:

sourceSets {
    main {
        manifest.srcFile '/git/repository/src/myproject/AndroidManifest.xml'

        assets.srcDirs = ['src/main/assets', 'res/assets/', 'src/main/assets/']

        res.srcDirs = ['/git/repository/src/myproject/res/']
        java.srcDirs = ['/git/repository/src/myproject/java/']

    main.assets.srcDirs += '/git/repository/src/myproject/assets/'

Thanks advance.


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