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Aurelia Custom element with dialog

I am having trouble with creating a custom element that will be used like

<shimmy-dialog type="video" href="/test">Hi</shimmy-dialog>

The custim element will replace this code with a href that when clicked should popup a dialog of a particular type.

Everything seems to work up until the point I try to open the dialog. This is when I get the error

Unhandled rejection TypeError: Cannot set property 'bindingContext' of null I do sometimes find the Aurelia errors a little cyptic.

I suspect it has something todo with the element not having a view.

The code is as follows

enum DialogType {
    video = 1,

@inject(Bcp, DialogController)
export class ShimmyDialogModel {
  private type : DialogType;

  constructor(private bcp: Bcp, private controller : DialogController){

  async activate(state){
    this.type = state['type'];

  get isVideo() : boolean {
    return this.type == DialogType.video;

  get isIframe() : boolean {
    return this.type == DialogType.iframe;

@inject(Element, App, Bcp, DialogService)
export class ShimmyDialog {
  @bindable public type : string;
  @bindable public href;
  @bindable public name;
  private originalContent : string;

  constructor(private element: Element, private app: App, private bcp: Bcp,
              private dialogService: DialogService) {    
    this.originalContent = this.element.innerHTML;

  bind() {
    this.element.innerHTML = '<a href="#">' + this.originalContent + '</a>';

  attached() {
    let self = this;
    this.type = this.element.getAttribute("type");
    let dialogType = DialogType[this.type];
    this.element.children[0].addEventListener("click", function(){ 
      if(dialogType == DialogType.iframe) {
        self.dialogService.open({ viewModel: ShimmyDialogModel, model: {'type' : dialogType}}).then(response => {
      else if(dialogType == DialogType.video) {
        self.dialogService.open({ viewModel: ShimmyDialogModel, model: {'type' : dialogType}}).then(response => {
      return false;

  async typeChanged(newValue) {
    this.type = newValue;

  async hrefChanged(newValue) {
    this.href = newValue;

The template for the dialog is below.

  <require from="materialize-css/bin/materialize.css"></require>
      <div if.bind="isVideo">
      <div if.bind="isIframe">

      <button click.trigger="controller.cancel()">Close</button>

Thanks for any help.

I solved this by seperating the classes into their own files. Aurelia did no like having two export classes there.

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