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Aurelia custom element - $parent undefined

I have template with repeater:

<template repeat.for="i of 2">
    <template repeat.for="j of 2">
        <p>${ $parent.$index } - ${ $index }</p>

Which prints result:

0 - 0
0 - 1
1 - 0
1 - 1

If I use custom element child-item with the same template:

    <p>${ $parent.$index } - ${ $index }</p>

And write my original example using child-item :

<template repeat.for="i of 2">
    <child-item repeat.for="j of 2"></child-item>

Result is only:


Is there a way to propagate $parent and $index transparently to the child-item ?


After trying few suggestions, closest I came is this:

<template repeat.for="i of 2">
    <child-item repeat.for="j of 2" parent-index.bind="$parent.$index" index.bind="$index"></child-item>

Where child-item template looks like:

<template bindable="parentIndex, index">
    <p>${ parentIndex } - ${ index }</p>

Binding $parent context directly with parent.bind="$parent" does not work. Parent index has to be bound directly. With this approach anything inline with $parent.$parent.$index is not achievable.

something like this will work


import { customElement, bindable } from 'aurelia-framework';

    export class ChildItem {
      @bindable index;


    <p>${ index }</p>

template with repeater:

    <require from="./child-item">

    <child-item repeat.for="child of childred" index.bind="$index"></child-item>


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