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Set previously selected value in dropdown if return false

I have 2 dropdowns. One is minimum size and another one is maximum size. I am checking if selected value from minimum select box is greater than the selected value of maximum select box and vice versa. It works well.

I am stuck at one place where I want to set the previous value as 'selected' if the validation returns false. It doesn't let me to do that.

The demo is here -- https://jsfiddle.net/squidraj/2fnxw609/1/

JS code

 $("select[name=size-min],select[name=size-max]").focus(function() {
   // Store the current value on focus, before it changes
   previous = this.value;
 }).change(function() {

   var selname = $(this).attr('name');
   var selval = $(this).val();
   var e1 = document.getElementById("size-min");
   var minval = e1.options[e1.selectedIndex].value;
   var e2 = document.getElementById("size-max");
   var maxval = e2.options[e2.selectedIndex].value;


   if (selname == "size-min" && parseInt(minval) > parseInt(maxval) && maxval != "") {
     alert("The minimum size needs to be smaller than maximum size.");
     return false;
   if (selname == "size-max" && parseInt(selval) < parseInt(minval)) {
     alert("The maximum size needs to be greater than minimum size.");
     return false;


Is it at all possible what I am trying to achieve. Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated.

Not really an answer: but demonstrating that your logic is sound (and perhaps taking more advantage of jQuery features)

 function init() { var previous; $(".minmax").focus(function() { // Store the current value on focus, before it changes previous = this.value; }).change(function(e) { if (parseInt($("#size-max").val()) < parseInt($("#size-min").val())) { $(this).val(previous); console.log($(this).attr('id')=="size-min"?"The minimum size needs to be smaller than maximum size.":"The maximum size needs to be greater than minimum size."); } previous = this.value; // Chrome calls "change" every time the value changes. Firefox only calls it when the element loses focus. This change makes chromes behavior a little more intuitive }); } $(init); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <body> <form> <select class="minmax" id="size-min"> <option selected>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> <option>5</option> </select> <select class="minmax" id="size-max"> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> <option>3</option> <option>4</option> <option selected>5</option> </select> </form> </body> 

It seems that at on Firefox .focus() does not trigger if the input is already focused - for example when you are correcting our option on the same combobox - the previous won't change because it was already focused.

Your code should work when .focus() event is replaced with .click() .

Therefore before selecting the new option, the previous one gets always saved no matter if that particular combobox was already focused or not.

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