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Java - TCP connection

I am working now on simple program to send file through TCP using Java. I have a problem that I am not able to connect between computers ( I am testing application using router and local IP adresses).

I start connection by:

sendSocket = new Socket(sendIp, port);

and I am trying to recieve connection on next PC by:

servsock = new ServerSocket(port);  
recieveSocket = servsock.accept();

where port is 12222, sendIp is ( second computer that recieves)

and myIP is ( computer that sends)

What I am doing wrong?
I always use the same port, and I see on TCPView that java app uses that port. Maybe I assign wrong IP, or my firewall blocks somehow.

Best regards and thanks, Chris

If this is a Windows network, the IP means the host did not obtain a valid IP address from the DHCP. In a standard local network both addresses should be on the same class C range (192.168.0.*).

You have to first solve this physical issue with your network and test it using ping (each host should be able to ping the other and see replies).

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