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Play 2.5 Silhouette 4 - DI with guice

Language: Scala; Framework: Play 2.5; Libraries: Silhouette 4.0, Guice, scala-guice.

One of the official Silhouette seed projects uses guice and scala-guice (net.codingwell.scalaguice.ScalaModule) to write DI configuration. Code looks like this:

import net.codingwell.scalaguice.ScalaModule

class Module extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule{

    * Configures the module.
  def configure() {


I wonder, how would this code look like without magic from net.codingwell.scalaguice library. Could someone re-write these bindings using only original guice ?

in addition I have also this code:

  def provideEnvironment(
      userService: UserService,
      authenticatorService: AuthenticatorService[CookieAuthenticator],
      eventBus: EventBus
  ): Environment[MyEnv] = {

Thanks in advance.

Thanks to insan-e for pointing in a right direction. Here is the answer showing how to inject generic implementations using guice:

Inject Generic Implementation using Guice

Thus if removing scala-guice library from equation, bindings can be written like this:

import com.google.inject.{AbstractModule, Provides, TypeLiteral}
class Module extends AbstractModule {

    * Configures the module.
  def configure() {
    bind(new TypeLiteral[Silhouette[MyEnv]]{}).to(new TypeLiteral[SilhouetteProvider[MyEnv]]{})

There is a description right on the trait introducing the functions, have a look here: https://github.com/codingwell/scala-guice/blob/develop/src/main/scala/net/codingwell/scalaguice/ScalaModule.scala#L32

So, in this case it would translate to something like this:

class SilhouetteModule extends AbstractModule {

  def configure {

    bind(classOf[IDGenerator]).toInstance(new SecureRandomIDGenerator())
    bind(classOf[PasswordHasher]).toInstance(new BCryptPasswordHasher)

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